Bedstick/Bedpole Fact Sheet
A Bedstick/Bedpole, is a metal tube part of which usually sits under the mattress and part of the tubing extending up the side of the mattress.
These aids are used to roll over, to sit from a lying position and to assist with getting in and out of bed.
A Bedstick or Bedpole may not be suitable for all clients and are prescribed by a suitably trained health professional and installed appropriately for you by them.
Check the bedstick daily to ensure it has not moved out of position, and there is no gap between the mattress and pole.
Both the bedstick and the mattress may move and create a gap. This gap can pose a risk of trapping body parts and causing injury.
If you notice that your bedstick is moving out of position or bowing, contact your prescribed health professional.
Contact your prescribed health professional if the person using the bedstick is falling or at risk of falling from bed.
Make sure the bed stick stays in position and does not make it difficult to get out of bed.
Use caution if you have any existing upper limb pain or injury.
Do not tie or fix the bedstick to the bed, unless it has been designed to do this - e.g. Townsend Bedpole has a clamp for use on a hospital style bed.
If you experience significant weight gain, the equipment prescribed may become unsafe. Please contact your prescribed health professional.
Particular attention must be taken with the correct lateral positioning on the bed to ensure that it meets with recommended distances between the hand and the head board of the bed. Incorrect positioning may introduce an entrapment hazard between the support and headboard.
The Active Lawson Bed pole and Active Townsend Bed pole have been tested utilising AS EN 12182:2015 Assistive products for persons with disability - General requirements and test methods. The safe working load has been tested at 136kg for each bed pole. This should only be used as a guide to the suitably of use with different beds and patient user weights.
The Active Lawson Bed pole and Active Townsend Bed pole are manufactured in Adelaide and are powdercoated mild steel. Clean with mild detergent and water and dry with a soft cloth.